
Monday, 1 March 2010

Issue one// Lena Drake

we have jagged edges left

you. you. I
explanation. this explanation. is not it is not a good explanation.
not explanation. really it hopes
if good good this hope this explanation. is it if
sure i'm enough
explanation. this
not More
girl, loved a girl, More you but
and You I you, girl, a point. fifteen. and that's--
I was, see, fifteen.
loved I, you You my but You story. You were fifteen. this I
You see,
a this story.
and that's originally my "I" is the my this
before I nausea, petite was it before dizzy, before then. kissed then.
I would nausea, would you
you I. I.
cuts. cuts. I-- language, nausea-- saw But feel cuts.
soft. lips lips Your
Your lips were Your
was and stomach red. was and
stomach stomach was stomach red stomach

© Lena Drake 2010